Medical coordinator : Pr. Pierre Philip
Prof. Pierre Philip is a psychiatrist by training and is head of the sleep clinic at Bordeaux University Hospital and of a CNRS research and service unit named sleep attention and neuropsychiatric disorders (USR3413 – SANPSY). He is scientific coordinator of the CHU Bordeaux DRCI. He has vast experience in clinical research (PHRC, ANR, Eranet projects, Private partnerships) and is currently coordinator of clinical research for the University Hospital of Bordeaux. He is also the scientific director of an EquipEx program (PHENOVIRT) dedicated to simulation, virtual reality and phenotyping of sleep and mental disorders. He has published more than 160 peer reviewed publications and he is currently leading a ‘Groupement de Recherche’
Project (CNRS initiative) on sleep disorders and excessive daytime sleepiness.